Friday, March 9, 2012

Depth Camera LED Wall Video + Press Release

Coverage: Dazed Digital

Stills from RGB-D tumblr.

These visuals served as an introduction and backdrop for the Rag & Bone FW12 fashion show. They were created using a hacked depth sensor married to 4K video with the help of James George, Alexander Porter and Jonathan Minard. The process, which they pioneered and have used to shoot interviews, experiments, and document art events, creates a 3d rendering of the video and allows for the navigation of virtual space in post production.

Most of the footage was captured inside Pier 57, a massive former navel building in an advanced state of industrial decay which served as the show's venue.

The noise from the depth sensor results in the jittery oscillation of surfaces. Fixed objects shudder and vibrate as we move over and through them. Colored dots appear to dance. The overall impression is simultaneously high concept and dirty, futuristic and raw, a perfect complement to the space, the music, and Rag and Bone's trademark balance of refinement and edge.